Global PPC Success for Loan Startups

Client Overview

The Richmond Group, based in Bournemouth, is a distinguished private equity firm known for its innovative financial services and solutions. With a diverse portfolio that includes several loan startups worldwide, they required a robust digital marketing strategy to launch and scale these new ventures effectively.

The Challenge

The Richmond Group needed to establish a strong online presence and generate substantial loan applications for six new startups across different countries, each with unique market dynamics and customer behaviours. The startups included:

  • Clear Loans in Australia
  • Rapida Loans in Poland
  • Transform Credit in the USA
  • Tando Loans in Denmark
  • Lending Mate in Canada
  • Money Mas in Spain


The primary aim was to develop and manage tailored PPC campaigns that would not only launch these brands successfully in their respective markets but also ensure a high volume of loan applications leading to significant payouts annually.


As the sole strategist and campaign manager, I approached each startup with a customised plan:

  • Market Analysis: Conducted comprehensive research on local market conditions and consumer behaviour in each country.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Developed specific PPC strategies that resonate with the target demographics in each region.
  • Optimisation and Scaling: Regularly monitored and optimised campaigns for performance, adjusting tactics to maximise ROI and reduce acquisition costs.


The tailored PPC campaigns delivered exceptional results across the board:

  • Annual Loan Payouts: Successfully generated over £50 million in loan payouts annually across all startups.
  • Market Penetration: Established a strong market presence for each startup, significantly enhancing their visibility and customer reach.
  • ROI Optimisation: Achieved excellent ROI through strategic bid management and continuous campaign optimisation.


The PPC campaigns I managed for The Richmond Group’s loan startups have not only met but exceeded expectations, proving that well-crafted digital marketing strategies can have a transformative impact on business growth, especially in diverse international markets.

Are you looking to launch or expand your financial service offerings? Contact me today, and let’s discuss how we can achieve similar success through targeted PPC strategies tailored to your business needs.