Driving Success for Quick Car Finance

Client Overview

Quick Car Finance, a leading car finance broker in the UK, specialises in helping customers secure loans for vehicle purchases quickly and with minimal hassle. Despite the potential of their services, they struggled to realise the full potential of PPC as an effective marketing channel.

The Challenge

Before I came on board in October 2021, Quick Car Finance had experienced limited success with their PPC campaigns, working with various agencies and freelancers without satisfactory results. They were achieving only modest weekly sales, and the cost efficiency of their campaigns was not meeting business goals.


The primary aim was to transform PPC into a profitable and scalable channel for Quick Car Finance. This involved not only increasing the number of loan applications and sales but also dramatically improving ROI and reducing the cost per sale.


I implemented a multi-faceted approach:

Comprehensive Audit: I started with a thorough review of existing campaigns to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

Targeted Campaigns: Focused on high-intent customer segments to increase conversion rates.

Cost Management: Refined bidding strategies and optimised ad spend to decrease the cost per acquisition.


The changes implemented brought about substantial improvements:

- Increase in Loan Applications: Applications rose by approximately 370%, a significant uptick that indicates enhanced visibility and engagement.

- Growth in Weekly Sales: An increase of 728% in weekly sales 

- Growth in Weekly Commission: An Increase of 1209% in weekly commission

- ROI Improvement: ROI saw an uplift, reflecting more efficient use of the marketing budget.

- Reduction in Cost per Sale: The cost per sale decreased by about 94%, markedly improving the efficiency.


Since revising Quick Car Finance’s PPC strategies, the channel has turned into a cornerstone of their marketing efforts, delivering consistent and profitable results. The rapid improvements in key performance metrics illustrate the effectiveness of tailored PPC approaches in the finance sector.

Is your PPC campaign underperforming? Contact me to discuss how we can turn your PPC expenses into valuable investments, just as we did for Quick Car Finance.