Boosting Efficiency and Sales for Home Emergency Assist

Client Overview

Home Emergency Assist provides crucial home emergency cover to homeowners across the UK, offering them security against unexpected home crises. Despite having a robust service offering, they faced challenges in maximising their digital marketing efforts and were in need of a strategic overhaul.

The Challenge

When Home Emergency Assist reached out, they were grappling with slow weekly sales high cost per sales and declining campaign performance under a previous agency. They needed a fresh perspective to reinvigorate their PPC campaigns and drive meaningful growth.


My goal was to revitalise Home Emergency Assist's PPC campaigns, improve sales performance, and enhance cost efficiency. I was tasked with turning around the declining trends and setting a new standard for campaign success.


My approach centred around a comprehensive audit and strategic realignment:

Performance Review: I conducted a deep dive into their existing campaigns, identifying what was working and eliminating wasteful spending on poorly performing areas.

Campaign Refinement: I stopped bidding on low-performance areas and reinforced the focus on segments that had historically shown good returns.

Expansion: With the refined focus, I then explored new opportunities for growth, expanding into promising areas to broaden the campaign’s reach.


The revamped strategies led to impressive outcomes:

Sales Growth: The campaigns saw a 5x increase in weekly sales, marking a significant uplift from previous performance levels.

Cost Efficiency: There was a marked reduction in the cost per sale, dropping by approximately 73%, which greatly improved overall spending efficiency.


The strategic pivot for Home Emergency Assist’s PPC campaigns not only massively increased sales but also streamlined the costs, This project highlighted the importance of continual optimisation and agile response to market dynamics.

Get in Touch

Looking to get more out of your PPC campaigns? Drop me a line, and let’s chat about how we can achieve stellar results for your business, just as we did for Home Emergency Assist.