My Journey as a PPC Freelancer:

If you’re considering the freelance route, or you’ve already taken the plunge and want to refine your approach, I’m here to share what I’ve learned along the way.

My Journey as a PPC Freelancer

Becoming a freelancer wasn’t something I initially planned. But looking back, it’s clear that every step in my digital marketing career was nudging me towards this path. My journey has been full of challenges, learning experiences, and significant wins. If you’re considering the freelance route, or you’ve already taken the plunge and want to refine your approach, I’m here to share what I’ve learned along the way.

Why I Became a PPC Freelancer

Like many freelancers, I craved more flexibility in my life—both professionally and personally. After years of working with companies like Amigo Loans and Quick Car Finance, where I managed massive budgets and played a key role in transforming their paid search strategies, I realised that I wanted to apply my skills to a broader range of industries. Freelancing offered me the freedom to work on varied projects, collaborate with diverse clients, and truly take ownership of my work.

But it wasn’t just about freedom. It was also about control. I wanted to build something for myself—my own brand, my own reputation. That’s where comes in.

The Early Days: Challenges and Wins

Starting out, I was fortunate to already have a solid portfolio of experience and proven results. That gave me a head start, but let me be real with you—freelancing comes with its own set of challenges. Managing time between multiple clients, staying on top of ever-changing algorithms, and constantly proving your value can be overwhelming.

I’ve worked with Bournemouth University, where I used PPC and social marketing to attract both UK and international students. That experience taught me the power of understanding your audience inside out. Knowing who you’re targeting is more than just “demographics.” It’s about understanding behaviours, motivations, and, most importantly, intent.

There was also my time at Home Emergency Assist, where I cut the cost of sales by 81% in the first year. Achievements like that showed me the importance of optimisation—whether it’s your bids, keywords, or even the landing pages your ads are directing traffic to. A well-structured campaign can do wonders, but only if you’re willing to tweak and test until it’s perfect.

Key Lessons I’ve Learned as a Freelancer

1. Relationships Matter More Than You Think

Yes, results are everything in PPC, but relationships can make or break a freelancing career. Whether it’s being transparent with clients about their performance, managing expectations, or just maintaining open communication, building trust is key. Clients who trust you will stick with you long-term, even when there are bumps in the road.

2. Adapt or Fall Behind

The digital marketing landscape changes constantly. I’ve seen Google Ads update its features more times than I can count, and staying ahead of the curve is non-negotiable. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that the moment you stop learning, you start losing. Whether it’s mastering new platforms like TikTok Ads or fine-tuning my understanding of Google Analytics, I’m always learning something new.

3. Focus on What You’re Good At

Freelancers often feel like they need to do everything—PPC, SEO, social media, email marketing, and more. My advice? Focus on your core strength. For me, that’s paid search and social ads. When you zero in on what you’re great at, you deliver better results, build a stronger reputation, and ultimately, attract better clients.

Tips for Aspiring Freelancers

1. Get Your Basics Right

Before diving in, make sure you’ve mastered the basics of PPC—understanding Quality Score, setting up conversion tracking, and A/B testing are foundational skills. Start small, and scale up as you gain confidence and clients.

2. Build a Portfolio of Case Studies

Potential clients want to know exactly what you can deliver. Case studies are your best friend here. Show them real data and real results—don’t just talk about what you’ve done, prove it. I’ve helped companies like The Pig and achieve big wins, and those results speak louder than anything else.

3. Automate Where You Can

When you’re juggling multiple clients, time is your most valuable resource. Tools like Google Ads Editor and SEMrush have been lifesavers for me. Automating routine tasks allows you to focus on strategy and optimisation, which is where you’ll deliver the most value to clients.

4. Keep Learning and Growing

The best freelancers never stop learning. Attend webinars, read industry blogs, take courses—whatever keeps you sharp. PPC is always evolving, and you need to evolve with it. Trust me, the time you invest in staying updated will pay off tenfold.

5. Understand Your Value

Don’t undersell yourself. When I first started, I had a habit of underpricing my services. I quickly learned that the value you bring to the table is worth paying for. If you’re delivering results, don’t be afraid to charge accordingly.

Freelancing has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my career. As a PPC Freelancer It’s allowed me to work on exciting projects, grow my own brand, and, more importantly, achieve a work-life balance that suits me. If you’re thinking about going freelance, or you’re already in the game but want to refine your approach, I hope my journey and tips help guide you.